This is an opportunity to give you the three questions that I ask the audiences of my conference “Unlock Your Power of Decision” and around which I articulate my speech.
I am flying this Wednesday for Los Angeles to join the three ESSEC students of “La Quatrième Roue du Carrosse” that crisscrossed since early April the roads of the American West Coast to meet and interview the ESSEC graduates. We will cycle together this Thursday, and then I will go three weeks to discover the great parks and other mythical sites of this part of the world.
So did you think I was going to leave you three weeks without “material” to ponder? 😊 here are Here are the three questions:
- 1: Take a few moments to think about the decisions you have made or not… and the consequences they have had in your life.
- 2: Choose a decision you have taken or not, and ask yourself which representations have been made (amalgams, prejudices, preconceived ideas, family heirlooms, cultural…)? Among these representations, distinguish the ones you have taken into account of the ones you have rejected. Ask yourself if these representations have distorted your intuition and your listening.
- 3: What blockages did you encounter between the time you made your decision and wanted to take action (Fear of making mistakes, not controlling everything, being judged…)? Have you overcome all these blockages?
Do we talk about it when I’m back? Enjoy early Summer 😉